Based on a national interview of people who said they currently have a “dream job,” here are a few comments they made as they described their job:
1) “I love what I do.”
2) “My job makes me feel like I am helping others.”
3) “Time goes by quickly.”
4 “I look forward to going to work.”
5 “My job gives me a feeling of purpose.”
6) “I can’t imagine doing anything else.”
7) “I feel fulfilled.”
8) “I know I am making a difference.”
9) “I don’t feel like I am working.”
10) “I am not bored with my work even if it is repetitious.”
Notice that none of the comments listed above, or any of the comments from the entire interview for that matter, mentioned income! Most, if not all, are based on feelings rather than statistics like how much money they make or how many, or few, hours they work. Speaking of salary, none of the respondents mentioned being paid well, how much they made, or how easy it was to make money.
Interestingly, as I looked at the list of jobs these people held, I would not like doing any of them, much less refer to any as a “dream job.” For example, one person was a nurse who worked in a hospice setting helping people in the final days of their lives. Another was an accountant; another worked as a receptionist at a bank; and another was a dental assistant who cleaned people’s teeth. While there was no pattern in the job, job title, or job description, there was a clear pattern regarding how the job made the person feel.
Here are a few more interesting findings to note:
- When asked, “If you lost your job for some reason, what would you do?” they all said they would look for a similar job.
- When asked, “How did you find your dream job?” many said they didn’t know it would be a dream job until they started doing it. In other words, they discovered their dream job by accident. Others said they looked for a job doing something they already knew they loved to do.
- When asked, “When do you think you’ll retire?” they all said they would continue working as long as they could because of the level of satisfaction and enjoyment they were getting from their job.
- When asked, “Would you take a different type of job for more money and better benefits?” they all said they couldn’t imagine doing anything else.
So what does this mean if you are either looking for a job, or thinking about quitting your current job and finding a new one (and would like your new job to be a dream job)?
First, it means that if salary is your main criteria for taking or keeping a job, then it is unlikely you will find a dream job.
Second, if by doing the job you feel like you are making a difference or helping others in some way, or if the job brings you so much joy that you’d do it for free, then the chances are good that you may have found your dream job.
Finally, if you are simply looking for any work that will pay, you will most likely find something, but it is unlikely to become a dream job. If, on the other hand, you are a professional who is looking for work where you apply your talents and education in a way that is meaningful to you, then the chances are much better it could become a dream job. And for those of you who have taken the time to discover your calling—what you were put on this earth do—then finding a dream job is highly likely.
Do you have a dream job now? If so, please comment below and tell us why it is a dream job.
If you don’t currently have a dream job, what would your dream job be like? What would you be doing? Who would your ideal employer be? By answering these questions, you will more likely to find one.