A trend is the direction in which a certain commodity is developing, and no matter the market you find yourself in, there is no doubt that trends are hard to predict. Trends usually come out of nowhere, either grabbing hold of an industry for a brief moment in time, or completely changing it for years to come. Whether or not an organization is ready for this change is hard to tell. One thing that is certain, however, is that not being ready for a sudden shift in gears is often the downfall for many businesses. How well a company is able to adapt to changes, big and small, is one predictor of the business’s success. Those who can accommodate with changing times tend to come out on top once the whirlwind of a new trend dies down.
Although most businesses know that predicting or staying ahead of a trend is important, not many know how to carry through with this notion. Sometimes, even the most skilled, experienced leaders and executive teams do not possess the ability to predict what lies ahead. Market trends can be studied and analyzed by dozens of dedicated team members, but without the proper guidance and knowledge, determining where markets are headed is seemingly impossible.
At Burrus Research, our CEO, Daniel Burrus, has been analyzing and accurately predicting future market trends for over thirty years. Daniel has meticulously crafted proven methodologies that have brought success to his own business ventures, as well as his clients. Burrus has founded six businesses, four of which were national leaders in their first year, by employing his knowledge of future trends and leading edge technologies. His focus now lies in helping other organizations understand industry trends to give their businesses a competitive advantage. By leveraging his knowledge of markets and technology driven change, Burrus gives organizations the tools to strategically plan for the future.
One way that Mr. Burrus is able to reach his clients is as a trends innovation speaker. Daniel has been the keynote speaker for over 2,700 events, speaking with audiences from twenty-five to tens of thousands in attendance. Burrus encourages his clients to harness the skills and talents that already exist within their company in new ways. He blends humor and wit with powerful, game changing information, resulting in time well spent for audience members willing to take positive action toward their future. Daniel empowers audiences to change their business plans to focus on the future, rather than only planning for the present. By looking ahead, organizations can be ready to meet customer needs and innovate before the competition.
Daniel’s main focus when it comes to looking ahead, is on Hard Trends. Hard Trends are guaranteed to happen, as opposed to Soft Trends that may or may not happen. By separating these Hard Trends and Soft Trends, businesses can design strategies that accurately account for what the future will hold for their industries. Staying ahead of the curve, allows organizations to accelerate growth and anticipate disruption. Hard Trends provide insight as to where disruptions in markets will occur, and when. Being able to anticipate these problems give companies the ability to prepare ahead of time for any disruption that may come their way.
As a trends innovation speaker and a strategic advisor to businesses around the globe, Daniel Burrus is a leading futurist on trends and innovation. Through use of Hard trends and identifying technological change, Burrus enables his clients to plan for the future more effectively than the competition. With a positive outlook on the business world, Daniel motivates others to better themselves by preparing for what lies ahead.
Watch the reaction to Daniel Burrus’ Recent Keynote presentation.
Daniel Burrus has over three decades of being right about where things are going, which is evidenced by his long and diverse list of repeat clients. Daniel has worked with leaders from Fortune 500 companies, the Pentagon, and heads of State-delivering powerful insights and actionable strategies.
A ‘must-hear’ presentation.
Your thoughts on how to create an opportunity for change through a customer focus is the excellence our team is striving for. The framework you provided on innovation, creativity and customer value will be instituted as a management practiceto enable the technology infrastructure group to take Wells Fargo to the next stage.
By applying Daniel Burrus’ principles to our business, in less than a year we have been able to double our revenues and increase the value of our company by a factor of four, and we feel the biggest impact is yet to come.
When IBM launched IBM Global Business Services with their top 40 industry experts to plan a game‑changing future for IBM, the only outside resource they used was Daniel Burrus. (The meeting was a great success, and he has continued to work with IBM).
When Vodafone launched its Global Mobile Enterprise service to Fortune 200 companies, they chose Daniel Burrus to deliver the message to C-level Executives in multiple national events.
When Deloitte gathered leaders from China and SE Asia for a major forecasting event, they chose Daniel Burrus. (Based on the success of that event, Deloitte has changed their industry-forecasting model to incorporate Burrus’ Hard-Trend methodology.
A master at tailoring his presentations to the specific needs of your audience, Daniel is a futurist keynote speaker who identifies game-changing trends and strategies to help you:
Empower audiences to take positive action.
Separate the Hard Trends that will happen from the Soft Trends than might happen
Learn which current and emerging technologies will have the biggest impact on your industry.
Learn how to creatively apply these technologies to create strategic value and competitive advantage.
Anticipate Disruptions, Problems, Customer Needs and New Opportunities
Learn how to leverage the skills and talents within your organization in new ways.
Learn how to use new tools to change the rules of your industry with honesty and integrity.
Learn powerful personal strategies for shaping your future.
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