By applying Daniel Burrus’ principles to our business, in less than a year we have been able to double our revenues and increase the value of our company by a factor of four, and we feel the biggest impact is yet to come.

Your thoughts on how to create an opportunity for change through a customer focus is the excellence our team is striving for. The framework you provided on innovation, creativity and customer value will be instituted as a management practiceto enable the technology infrastructure group to take Wells Fargo to the next stage.

You were fabulous! You received rave reviews from our participants for the relevancy, insight and expertise of your presentation material and style.You are the only keynote speaker we have invited back numerous times. I am convinced the extraordinary success of your continued contribution is due in no small part to the enormous amount of time you put into each presentation by customizing it to fit the unique and challenging needs of our CMO audience each year.