As our technology driven world continues to expand at unforeseen rates due to advancements in nearly every sector of every industry, it is difficult to understand how to strategically plan for what is to come. Without the knowledge and power to predict how future markets will look, determining which moves any business should make moving forward, tends to be a roll of the dice. Most people believe that keeping up with market trends and staying on top of where shifts are occurring, today, is enough to stay afloat. However, keeping up with present world is not adequate to sufficiently prepare for what lies ahead. It is impossible to make decisive decisions that will undoubtedly affect the future of a company, when what the future will look like is not thoroughly considered.
When a company takes the time to understand where markets are heading, they are able to make predictions about the outcome of their decisions in a more realistic way. There is no better time than the present to dive deep into the future, especially as it pertains to what changes need to be made for continued, long term success. Corporations who continue to focus on the now will not be ready for changes that are inevitably coming, no matter how successful they may be or have been in the past years. No business is immune to market changes, and whether its leaders choose to see it or not, changes are coming.
Burrus Research has a strong belief that by understanding how to apply cutting-edge technology and data driven research on global trends, our customers will be better prepared for the future. Ensuring that the advice that any business, large or small, seeks out is proven to work is important. By helping clients gain the knowledge necessary to know how, where, and when to look for technology driven change, we give businesses the tools to succeed far past the immediate future. CEO, President, and Founder, Dan Burrus® reaches our clients through many platforms, most effectively as a futurist speaker.
Mr. Burrus, has been accurately predicting changes in the business world for over three decades. By imploring other businesses with tactics that have generated success by using what most people do not: Hard Trends. Hard Trends are guaranteed to happen, as opposed to soft trends, which may or may not happen. By teaching executives, team leaders, and decision makers how to differentiate between the two, Dan changes the way major corporations are structured.
As the futurist keynote speaker at over 3,000 events, Dan has impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. From conventions to private gatherings, Mr. Burrus is one of the top three business experts in demand as a speaker.Audiences are moved and empowered through Dan’s expert information, a positive spin on the future, and added humor, motivating individuals around the world to take the knowledge that they learn and incorporate the findings into their business’s strategies.
By integrating the needs of his audience and identifying specific methods that pertain directly to those he is speaking with, Dan far exceeds the expectations of any futurist speaker. Audiences will learn tools to help leverage the talents that already exist within their organization, while gaining a better understanding of how to create a competitive advantage by applying these skills. Explaining how current and impending technologies will impact your sector of business, allows audiences to feel more in control while taking new steps toward a positive future. By imploring ways that an organization can better anticipate customer demands, new opportunities, and potential risk factors, Dan gives individuals strategies that allow for their businesses to get ahead of trends, instead of stuck behind them.
Fortune 500 companies, heads of state, and corporations who invite Dan to be their futurist keynote speaker leave their event feeling ambitious about what is to come, instead of uneasy about the future. The game-changing opportunities foreseen by Dan are unparalleled to others, and will change the course of organizations in every industry. After 30 years of pin pointing exact future market trends, emerging technologies, and how to tackle and apply these coming changes to a business, Mr. Burrus will help any corporation become organized in a way that places the focus on what lies ahead.
Watch the reaction to a Recent Keynote presentation from Dan Burrus®
Dan Burrus has over three decades of being right about where things are going, which is evidenced by his long and diverse list of repeat clients. Dan has worked with leaders from Fortune 500 companies, the Pentagon, and heads of State-delivering powerful insights and actionable strategies.
A ‘must-hear’ presentation.
Your thoughts on how to create an opportunity for change through a customer focus is the excellence our team is striving for. The framework you provided on innovation, creativity and customer value will be instituted as a management practiceto enable the technology infrastructure group to take Wells Fargo to the next stage.
By applying Daniel Burrus’ principles to our business, in less than a year we have been able to double our revenues and increase the value of our company by a factor of four, and we feel the biggest impact is yet to come.
When IBM launched IBM Global Business Services with their top 40 industry experts to plan a game‑changing future for IBM, the only outside resource they used was Dan Burrus. (The meeting was a great success, and he has continued to work with IBM).
When Vodafone launched its Global Mobile Enterprise service to Fortune 200 companies, they chose Dan Burrus to deliver the message to C-level Executives in multiple national events.
When Deloitte gathered leaders from China and SE Asia for a major forecasting event, they chose Dan Burrus. (Based on the success of that event, Deloitte has changed their industry-forecasting model to incorporate Burrus’ Hard-Trend methodology.
A master at tailoring his presentations to the specific needs of your audience, Dan Burrus® is a futurist keynote speaker who identifies game-changing trends and strategies to help you:
Empower audiences to take positive action.
Separate the Hard Trends that will happen from the Soft Trends than might happen
Learn which current and emerging technologies will have the biggest impact on your industry.
Learn how to creatively apply these technologies to create strategic value and competitive advantage.
Anticipate Disruptions, Problems, Customer Needs and New Opportunities
Learn how to leverage the skills and talents within your organization in new ways.
Learn how to use new tools to change the rules of your industry with honesty and integrity.
Learn powerful personal strategies for shaping your future.
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